Business Professionals

Our administrative employees assist our attorneys in all aspects of the practice of law, from secretarial and paralegal support, to information technology, accounting and marketing functions. Stradley Ronon employs more than 175 support staff who work in a variety of administrative capacities throughout the firm. We offer all levels of employment, from entry-level to senior management, and everything in between. Whether you are looking to begin your career, or are considering a change, we invite you to learn more about Stradley Ronon.

We update our website regularly as new positions become available. Interested applicants are encouraged to directly apply through the link provided with each job posting.

Apply here.

Excellence in Mentorship 2023

Stradley Ronon has recognized associate Claire Olivar and manager of pricing and practice support Brendan Curran with the firm’s 2023 Excellence in Mentorship Award. In its third year, the Excellence in Mentorship Award is given annually to two individuals – one attorney and one business professional or paralegal – who have demonstrated a sustained commitment to outstanding mentoring and have made an appreciable difference in the lives of others at Stradley Ronon. Read more...