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Stradley Ronon Celebrates AAPI Heritage Month with ‘A Very Asian Guide to Vietnamese Food’

May 21, 2024
Firm News

PHILADELPHIA — Stradley Ronon celebrated Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month with a fireside chat between partner Joe Nguyen and lawyer Cat Nguyen, president-elect of the Asian Pacific American Bar Association of Pennsylvania (APABA-PA) and author of the children’s book, “A Very Asian Guide to Vietnamese Food.”

During the event, hosted on May 16 in the firm’s Philadelphia office, Joe and Cat discussed their families’ journeys to the United States as refugees from Vietnam and how food connects them to their Vietnamese American culture. Cat shared her experience growing up as a first-generation Asian American, her path to becoming a lawyer and how she came to write her book, as well as a list of books that helped shape her understanding of her identity. The conversation was followed by a networking reception and a selection of dishes from a local Vietnamese restaurant.

The event was organized by associates Michael Tang and Jin Park, co-chairs of the firm’s AAPI Engagement Group. Stradley Ronon’s five engagement groups bring together lawyers and professional staff from across the firm with similar backgrounds to share experiences, promote cultural awareness and provide opportunities for personal and professional development.

About Stradley Ronon
Counseling clients since 1926, Stradley Ronon has helped private and public companies — from small businesses to Fortune 500 corporations — achieve their goals by providing pragmatic, value-driven legal counsel. With offices in nine locations, our responsive team of more than 200 lawyers seamlessly addresses the full spectrum of our clients’ needs, ranging from sophisticated corporate transactions to complex commercial litigation.

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