Insights & News

Stradley Ronon Hosts Pro Bono Fair for D.C. Regional Partner Organizations

June 13, 2024
Firm News

WASHINGTON Stradley Ronon connected firm lawyers, alumni and clients with a number of regional pro bono partner organizations at the firm’s Pro Bono Fair on June 11 in the Washington, D.C., office. The event followed a similar Pro Bono Fair hosted in Philadelphia earlier this year.

Stradley Ronon maintains partnerships with pro bono legal services organizations across the United States to broaden the firm’s reach in advocating for underrepresented populations. The fair provided attendees with an opportunity to learn about the significant value the organizations provide for their respective local communities.

Pro bono legal services providers in attendance included representatives from the D.C. Bar Pro Bono Center, Kids in Need of Defense (KIND), Washington Area Lawyers for the Arts and Whitman-Walker Health.

Co-chaired by partners Michael Engle and Ashley Shapiro, Stradley Ronon’s pro bono committee identifies projects in which the firm can make a substantial impact. Managing counsel Lara Burke serves as the pro bono liaison for Stradley Ronon’s Washington, D.C., office. Stradley Ronon routinely represents members of underserved groups in a wide variety of matters, including civil rights, employment, property, custody and capital punishment.

About Stradley Ronon
Counseling clients since 1926, Stradley Ronon has helped private and public companies — from small businesses to Fortune 500 corporations — achieve their goals by providing pragmatic, value-driven legal counsel. With offices in nine locations, our responsive team of more than 200 lawyers seamlessly addresses the full spectrum of our clients’ needs, ranging from sophisticated corporate transactions to complex commercial litigation.

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