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Patrick R. Kingsley Participates in CPR Institute Webinar Discussing the Remobilization of the Construction Industry

June 03, 2020
Firm News

PHILADELPHIA – Stradley Ronon Partner Patrick R. Kingsley participated in a webinar hosted by the International Institute for Conflict Prevention & Resolution (CPR Institute) on May 7. The webinar, entitled, “Planning for the Day After: Remobilizing the Construction Industry,” identified the legal risks facing in-house counsel in the construction industry as they begin to navigate remobilizing construction projects and offer best practices to help mitigate these risks.

Kingsley is chair of Stradley Ronon’s alternate dispute resolution and construction practice groups. He handles a wide variety of complex commercial disputes, focusing much of his practice on construction and surety litigation. He is a commercial and construction arbitrator and mediator and regularly serves as a neutral in construction disputes.

About Stradley Ronon
Counseling clients since 1926, Stradley Ronon has helped private and public companies – from small businesses to Fortune 500 corporations – achieve their goals by providing pragmatic, value-driven legal counsel. With offices in eight strategic locations, our responsive team of more than 200 attorneys seamlessly addresses the full spectrum of our clients’ needs, ranging from sophisticated corporate transactions to complex commercial litigation.

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