Kevin Boyle is a corporate lawyer advising companies, nonprofit and religious organizations, and individuals in corporate, real estate, economic development and financing matters. A highly knowledgeable counselor, Kevin’s practice focuses on mergers and acquisitions, real estate, corporate financing, public and private bond financing, and nonprofit and insurance-related matters. As chairman of Stradley Ronon, Kevin serves on the board of directors and management committee to further the firm’s success. Kevin previously served as the firm’s financial partner, making a direct impact on the long-term financial wellness of the firm.
Kevin serves as a go-to guide for clients as they conceive and achieve mission-critical transactions.
As the former chair of the firm’s business department, Kevin was looked to as a trusted leader by more than 60 lawyers, supporting an array of needs related to delivering outstanding legal services. As a result of his steady influence, the firm grew significantly, introducing new practices, expanding geographic reach, and increasing the sophistication and complexity of the matters clients entrusted to the firm’s lawyers.